If you are still unable to download the pre-ordered add-ons for Saints Row even after the region-wide release, it is best to contact customer care for PS5 and raise the issue with them. Wait it out: If none of the above tips worked, you could try to wait it out and check if the issue gets resolved after a while or from the devs.Reinstall the game: Some players noticed reinstalling Saints Row enabled all the DLC and Add Ons.

Restart the PS5: You can try to restart your console and then check if you can download the new additional content.Download from Library: Go to the Library section of the PlayStation website and download the PS5 version of the add-on from there.Once that’s done, restart your PS5 and check if you can view the content. Restore Licenses: Head to System > Users and Accounts > Other > Restore Licenses.Download from the PSN website: If the in-game store doesn’t allow you to download the add-ons, you can try downloading them straight from the PSN store online.You can also try to use your Mobile Hotspot or an Ethernet Cable to get stable connectivity. You should check if you have a stable network connection or switch to a different network and try again. Check Internet Connection: If your connection is unstable, you can’t download the new content for Saints Row.You can now check if the Add Ons can be downloaded. Replug it after a minute or two and power it up. Clear Cache: Shut down your PS5 completely, then unplug it from its socket.Until then, there are a few things you can do to sort the issue out on your end and see if it helps. So far, the only thing players can do is wait for the region-wide access to all Saints Row add-ons till there is a possible fix for it. Different regions are getting the release for the add-ons on different dates, and still, the ones who received it earlier cannot download any of the new content on the PS5. While players can view all the content on the Manage Content section of the PS5, the content itself couldn’t be downloaded for unknown reasons.